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Core Value

Achievement of customers: Serving customers is the only reason for Surpon to exist, and customer demand is the driving force forSurpon's development.

Hard work: We do not have any scarce resources to rely on.Only by hard work can we win the respect and trust of our customers.Pioneering and inovation: In order to better meet the needs of customers, we are proactive and courageous, and insist on opennessand innovation.

Sincerity and trustworthiness: Only when we are open and sincere in our hearts can we do what we say and keep our promises.Teamwork: lf you win, you will raise your glass to celebrate, and if you lose , you will fight to the death.

Corporate Vision

A leading enterprise of smart meters, a paradise for talents who dreams of fiying, and a corporate cltzen respected by the society

Our Mission

Committed to the two leading suppliers of power distribution and industrial automation control

Operating Strategy

Provide users with zero-defect products and servicesProvide users with innovative technology

Quality Policy

Actively listen to customer needsCarefully build product quality

Always remember that serving customers is the only reason we exist
